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Whitelist Application


Username: 2manypercs

Discord Username: 2manypercs

Steam Hex: 11000013c6596af

Have you ever been banned from a serious role-play server? If yes, please explain the reason: N/A

In your own words, explain what role-play means to you: well Roleplay is when you make or become a character and act as them as if it would be you in real life so as a roleplay character i take everything as realistic

If your a content creator post your platforms: n/a

Character backstory (100) words minimum My characters name is Thiago Cole he was born in the poor side of england he grew up with no dad just a mum and a sister Thiago didn’t see much opportunity in his life in success as everyone around him was either selling drugs or gang banging so Thiago thought that’s what he had to do in his life to be successful at the age of 15 Thiago's mum has passed away from a stabbing trey and his sister took there mothers death really badly it affected them a lot so trey decided to roll with a couple of his boys and try to find out who did it but along with that came actions once he was out and about with his sister trying to get her mind off of the subject giving her a fun nice day for once all the sudden a group of people come up to them and start asking if this is Thiago Thiago responds by saying yeah it is leave it for later fam i’m with my sister can u not see have some respect they go u didn’t have any respect for my boy when he was with his mum ( Thiago and his boys put a boy in a coma from hitting and stomping him too much ) so they pull out knifes Thiago and his sister start running because there was too much adrenaline they never realized that Thiago's sister ended up getting stabbed half way to the house she dropped to the floor and died on the spot that’s where Thiago's emotions stopped he packed his things and moved to SouthCity LS to forget about everything and get into some of the more serious stuff most likely to join a gang as its the only way he knows how to live and make money

What is power gaming provide an example explain why it’s discouraged power gaming is driving while hand cuffed you cannot do that as you wouldnt be able to do it in real life 2nd example is shooting while handcuffed or while your hands are up you would be able to grab or shoot your gun at all un fair advantage

Explain meta gaming in why it is strictly prohibited on southcity metagaming is if someone msgs u on discord after they died in game and tell you to come get them or tells you the name of the person of whoever killed them thats meta gaming also if one of ur homies tell u on discord thats apart of the police tells u that ur hood or ur house is abt to get raided and there looking for you and know where u are to tell you to get out it is prohibited as it can give u a unfair advantage

If you character was injured and flat backed (knocked unconscious) can you verbally communicate? please explain no you cant as you are unconscious so in real life u wouldnt be able to communicate so why would u be able to in rp

What is the purpose of the “/me” command? Provide an example of this proper use a /me is a action your character does A example of a /me would be for example you pull up on someone and u have a gun and u pull it out to rob them you would say /me Pulls out glock 17 from waistband looking to shoot/rob

What does “FailRP” mean? Give an example of a FailRP scenario FailRp is when for example theres a scene going on and someone just goes out of character whenever they feel like it or when theres like 4 people with guns to someones head and they pull out a gun and start shooting thats fail rp as they didint fear for their life

Define meta gaming in your own words and why it’s again the rules meta gaming is using out of character info to give u a advantage in roleplay its against the rules for no one to have a unfair advantage

If your life is threatened with a weapon, can you retaliate explain if my life is threatened with a weapon no i cannot as it would break the rule of fearing for your life