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Whitelist Application


Username: Acrobat

Discord Username: yerk30z

Steam Hex: 11000015bb3b6fd

Have you ever been banned from a serious role-play server? If yes, please explain the reason: No, i haven’t been banned from any serious role-play server before.

In your own words, explain what role-play means to you: Roleplaying is staying in character at all times developing a story line for your character and being creative with your style of roleplay.

If your a content creator post your platforms: I don’t have a platform. or Content Create.

Character backstory (100) words minimum Raheem Davis is a 16 year old boy who grew up in a neighborhood and was raised by his single mother. Raheem had to take care of his siblings They were outside hustling for money and food on the table every other day to be able to survive. After a situation with there mama being heavy on drugs and alcohol their Dad decided to take them into custody and raise them. Raheem and his siblings would find themselves in a new environment wondering what's next for them. Seeing what the streets of los santos have for them to make money find a better life while their dad and mother are fighting for custody going home for home eventually running away. Staying with their grandmother and auntie house consistently as Raheem find money and hustle to keep his siblings eating.

What is power gaming provide an example explain why it’s discouraged powergaming is when you give another player a unfair advantage. For example when i get pulled over by PD and the police isn't letting me get a chance to /do or /me's or having any reason to pull me over knowing i have a gun.

Explain meta gaming in why it is strictly prohibited on southcity meta gaming is prohibited because it's a unfair tactic used to gain advantage of another player without knowing in character.

If you character was injured and flat backed (knocked unconscious) can you verbally communicate? please explain No, because you have to roleplay that your character is knock unconscious so it's best not to speak until you're back up on your feet.

What is the purpose of the “/me” command? Provide an example of this proper use the purpose of /me is to explain your character actions and emotions. for example /me Would bounce out the car aiming a Glock 43x at the males attempting to kill.

What does “FailRP” mean? Give an example of a FailRP scenario FailRP is when you're roleplaying and making up unrealistic or doing unrealistic scenarios. For Example if i'm being chased by someone and i start doing glitches and standing on top of Trees and Gates.

Define meta gaming in your own words and why it’s again the rules Meta Gaming is knowing where a player is without knowing his or hers location. by looking at a stream. It's against the rules because you should find out in character where this person is.

If your life is threatened with a weapon, can you retaliate explain You must fear your life when a weapon is pointed to your character. You must roleplay as if you're in that situation and a best way to get out of it.