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Whitelist Application


Username: stackseazon

Discord Username: stackseazon

Steam Hex: 76561199152184132

Have you ever been banned from a serious role-play server? If yes, please explain the reason: No.

In your own words, explain what role-play means to you:
  1. To me roleplay means for somebody to immerse themselves into a fictional world where they act as unique charachters following realistic behaviors, and interactions.

If your a content creator post your platforms: N/A.

Character backstory (100) words minimum My Character's background story is his name is Keezy Scully, hes living with his mother, Tanisha Scully who was born in the trenches of LA. After losing his dad Jacody Scully who was born in Compton, California and sadly passed away to gang violence. Keezy still feels the pain of his dad's death, and LA reminds him of that, he's tempted to go get his get back but he knows that can only get him in trouble. Keezy's mother always told him to stay out of the gang life and focus on school but his dad encouraged him to try being in a gang, a couple of his friends which are in gangs are also trying to encourage him to jump in with them. Keezy is currently choosing his path either to stay a civilian or to join the gang life.

What is power gaming provide an example explain why it’s discouraged Powergaming is when someone does something that's all about them winning even if its not realistic.
Example: Somebody stole this dudes car and the dude hops in the passenger and does /me would kick the male out the car, even if the driver has his seatbelt on and the door is locked.

Explain meta gaming in why it is strictly prohibited on southcity Metagaming is when a player uses knowledge they learned outside of the game for example discord, twitch, youtube etc. They basically know something that they shouldn't.
Example: Ur in a discord call in the south city discord server and somebody starts screensharing and shows that they have a gun or something valuable in their inventory and you load in the city and rob them just to get their gun.

If you character was injured and flat backed (knocked unconscious) can you verbally communicate? please explain No you cannot communicate you are unconscious. If you were to speak whilst unconscious you will be frping.

What is the purpose of the “/me” command? Provide an example of this proper use the /me command is used to describe what your character is doing in third person.
/me would throw the first punch, hitting the male in his skull with a right hook.
/me would attempt to start lockpicking the register.

What does “FailRP” mean? Give an example of a FailRP scenario Failrp is when somebody acts in a way that is unrealistic or breaks immersion within the roleplay environment.
Example: you are in a car driving very fast and you crash into a wall, instead of rping your injuries you immediately get out and start running.

Define meta gaming in your own words and why it’s again the rules In my own words metagaming means to basically go out of character and break character or knowing something they realistically should not know. It is against the rules because it creates unfair advantages and destroys rp, it also breaks immersion.

If your life is threatened with a weapon, can you retaliate explain If my life is being threatened with a weapon, I would comply with the person who is pointing the weapon at me.