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Username: poketzszn

Discord Username: poketzszn

Steam Hex: Idk how to get it but this is my steam profile https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199188411160/

Have you ever been banned from a serious role-play server? If yes, please explain the reason: no

In your own words, explain what role-play means to you: Roleplay is the act of performing or playing as a person or character and treating that character’s life and interactions as they were your own. Within Roleplay, the growth and development of your character is pertinent and their life and experiences should develop as a normal persons would. This means but is not included to taking every threat in your characters life serious and not breaking character no matter what. Thats what roleplay means to me.

If your a content creator post your platforms: https://www.youtube.com/@oficialPoketz

Character backstory (100) words minimum Jayvon Brown Was Born In The East Side Of LA And Would live with his Older Brother And His Mom
Jayvon Had A Hard Child Hood Allways Fighting And Geting In Trouble At School He Would Also Starrt Hanging Around A Gang
in His Neighborhood And He Would Look At It Like a Second Family Jayvon Would go To Jail For A Attempted Murder Case
But He Would Beat It And Be Released From Jail at the Age Of 14, Jayvon Came Home And Found Out His Brother Had Got
Shot and Killed, That realy Hurt Jayvon Cause He Looked Up To Him. Ever Since that Javon Has Been Wanting to Revenge His
Brothers Death and kill the people who did it , on March 12th Jayvon was walking Back To His House And 1 Person in a Ski Masked Ran up On His Jayvon Would Up His G2C And Shoot The Male 4 Time Leaving Him Dead On The Scene , Jayvon Would Be Arested But he would beat The Case. Now He Is Out Of Jail.

What is power gaming provide an example explain why it’s discouraged Power Gaming Is When U Run Into A Greenzone To Stop u From Geting Killed For Example, lets say u are geting Shot At And u run in a Gz and stay there That Would be Powergaming

Explain meta gaming in why it is strictly prohibited on southcity Meta Game Is When U Are In a Call With Ur Gang Members ETC, And Lets Say u Get Shot At Killed And u Tell Ur Homies where u Are And They Kill Him That is Metagame

If you character was injured and flat backed (knocked unconscious) can you verbally communicate? please explain no

What is the purpose of the “/me” command? Provide an example of this proper use ok Lets Say Your About To Fight A Male, u Would Say /me Pulls Up My Pants And Swings on the male hitting Him with a Mean right hook. Lets Say u Knocked Him Out and u want to take his Shoes u would do /me reaches at the males shoes and snatches them off his feet /do S? .

What does “FailRP” mean? Give an example of a FailRP scenario Ima give yall a Quick And Simple scenario. Lets Say Your About To Rob this Guy u Bounce Out The Car And Everybody Aims There Gun at The Male And Tell Him To Put His Hands Up That would be fail rp, Cause Irl if u Have Guns Pointed At u And ur Geting Robbed ur Gonna Put Your Hands Up.

Define meta gaming in your own words and why it’s again the rules Meta Game Is When U Are In a Call With Ur Gang Members ETC, And Its Not Allowed Because It Give Ur Gang a Advantage

If your life is threatened with a weapon, can you retaliate explain If i get told to put my hands up i will do /me would put his hands up and get against the wall then i would do /e handsup.