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Whitelist Application


New member
Username: fnmerxyy6000

Discord Username: fnmerxy

Steam Hex: 11000016D81E522

Have you ever been banned from a serious role-play server? If yes, please explain the reason: No

In your own words, explain what role-play means to you: acting as if your living your characters life and roleplaying as your character

If your a content creator post your platforms:

Character backstory (100) words minimum Xavier Gomez was raised in a bad neighbor hood in Los Santos and grew up poor growing up around the age of 13 his farther died and his mom did to leaving him to move with his uncle his uncle was around the streets and xavier wanted to be just like him so xavier started to be in the streets one day him and his uncle went on a drill that drill xavier was the driver he saw his uncle die after the other members on the drill saw him die they decided to get in the car and leave with xavier form there on xavier moved from their and moved to South side of ls with his auntie

What is power gaming provide an example explain why it’s discouraged power gaming running into a clothing store or a greenzone

Explain meta gaming in why it is strictly prohibited on southcity some one yk/opp is at a clothing store and you tell your friends to pull up on discord in rp you must call your friend

If you character was injured and flat backed (knocked unconscious) can you verbally communicate? please explain No since your must act as if youre actually knocked out

What is the purpose of the “/me” command? Provide an example of this proper use /me would be terrified after seeing someone die

What does “FailRP” mean? Give an example of a FailRP scenario telling someone to put their hands up and they don't

Define meta gaming in your own words and why it’s again the rules watching someone's stream and using it ingame without your char knowing it in game

If your life is threatened with a weapon, can you retaliate explain yes you should be able to if you know their name or if they have no mask on but if you don't know their name and they have a mask on then you shouldn't be able to able to or if you recognize their voice and they admit to it


Faction Management

Questions Incorrect: “What does “FailRp” Mean Failure to give an actual answer, And “What is the purpose of an /me” u failed to provide an actual example. As well as power gaming the meaning of power gaming does not only mean “Watching someone stream”

You must reapply in a hour