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PurpZkii's latest activity

  • PurpZkii
    PurpZkii replied to the thread Whitelist Application.
    Accepted, welcome into south city.
  • PurpZkii
    PurpZkii replied to the thread Whitelist Application.
    Denied Reasons: You're background didn't reach the minimum requirement of 100 words and you're answers have no effort please re apply...
  • PurpZkii
    PurpZkii replied to the thread Whitelist Application.
    Accepted, Welcome into southcity.
  • PurpZkii
    PurpZkii replied to the thread Whitelist Application.
    Accepted, welcome to southcity.
  • PurpZkii
    PurpZkii replied to the thread Whitelist Application.
    Denied, you have 2 attempts left to re apply for whitelist you need to go over the last question, What does "failrp" mean, what is...
  • PurpZkii
    PurpZkii replied to the thread Whitelist Application.
    You’re whitelist application has been denied failure to answer all question’s, in complete sentences.
  • PurpZkii
    PurpZkii replied to the thread Whitelist Application.
    You have been accepted into SouthCity.
  • PurpZkii
    PurpZkii replied to the thread Whitelist Application.
    You’re application will be confirmed when you answer this last question check, you’re discord
  • PurpZkii
    PurpZkii replied to the thread Whitelist Application.
    You’re application has been denied you have 2 more attempts please remember to answer questions with you’re own responses
  • PurpZkii
    PurpZkii replied to the thread Whitelist Application.
    You have 2 more attempt to re apply for whitelist you need to go over you're grammar, you're questions are great but you're backstory...
  • PurpZkii
    PurpZkii replied to the thread Whitelist Application.
    Accepted, Welcome Into SouthCity.
  • PurpZkii
    PurpZkii replied to the thread WL.
    Hey, Purpz here you must go fill out an whitelist application if you would like to join southcity...
  • PurpZkii
    PurpZkii replied to the thread Whitelist Application.
    Accepted Welcome Into South City.
  • PurpZkii
    PurpZkii replied to the thread Whitelist Application.
    You have 2 more attempts to re apply for whitelist please remember, to answers questions fully with you're own responses not someone...
  • PurpZkii
    PurpZkii replied to the thread Whitelist Application.